The official app of the TERRA WORTMANN OPEN

32nd TERRA WORTMANN OPEN June 14th to 22nd 2025

TICKET CENTER +49 5201 81 80
Monday - Friday 11 am to 4pm 
(at Sportpark, Gausekampweg 2, Halle/Westf.)

House rules and terms of use

of OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG

House and usage regulations

of OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG

§ 1
Scope of application

(1) The scope of these House and User Regulations extends to the enclosed arena grounds of the OWL ARENA and the OWL EVENT CENTER, including all buildings, facilities and car parks.

(2) By entering the area of validity, visitors confirm that they have taken note of and recognise these house rules and terms of use as binding.

(3) The respective organiser and OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG shall monitor compliance with the obligations towards event visitors.


§ 2
Behaviour within the scope of the House and User Regulations

(1) Every visitor must behave in such a way that no one else is harmed, endangered or hindered or inconvenienced more than is unavoidable under the circumstances.

(2) For safety reasons, the closure of rooms, parts of buildings and open spaces and their evacuation may be ordered. All persons present on the arena grounds must comply with such requests without delay and leave the affected areas immediately if an evacuation order is issued.

(3) All visitors must comply with the instructions of the police, fire brigade and regulatory authorities.

(4) Every visitor must comply with the instructions of OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG, the respective organiser/tenant, the security service and the arena announcer.

(5) The fire safety regulations must be observed.


§ 3
Stay/entrance controls

(1) On the days of the event, only persons who are in possession of a valid admission ticket or who can prove their authorisation to stay by other means (accreditation) are permitted on the arena grounds.

(2) When entering the arena grounds, at checkpoints and when requested to do so within the arena grounds, every visitor is obliged to show the security service of OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG or the respective organiser/tenant, the law enforcement officers or the police with their admission ticket or authorisation card for inspection on request.

(3) For security reasons, a ban on carrying bags and rucksacks and the obligation to hand in bags, rucksacks and cloakrooms at the usual local charges may be imposed. If there are no corresponding bans, visitors must expect that bag and body checks will be carried out and that the contents of any containers, coats, jackets and capes they are carrying will be checked. Visitors who do not agree to the seizure of objects that could endanger the event or visitors by the admission or security service will be excluded from the event. Rejected visitors are not entitled to a refund of the admission fee. No liability is accepted for valuables, money or keys in bags, rucksacks or cloakrooms handed in.

(4) Visitors who are unable to provide proof of their authorisation to stay or against whom a local or national ban has been issued for sporting events are not permitted to enter the arena grounds.

(5) Visitors who are clearly under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances or who are carrying objects/items within the meaning of § 4 (prohibitions) and do not agree to their seizure will be removed from the arena grounds.

(6) The security service may check and search visitors with their consent, including with technical aids, in order to determine a ban in accordance with § 4 or any other violation of these house and usage regulations. If he refuses his consent, he must leave the venue if there is an objective concern that the visitor's presence could jeopardise the safety of the event. In this case, the cost of the admission ticket will not be refunded.

(7) Visitors may only occupy the seat indicated on the admission ticket. For security reasons or to avert danger, they are obliged to take a seat other than the one indicated on the admission ticket - if necessary also in another block - if instructed to do so by the security service, the law enforcement officers or the police.

(8) All entrances and exits, traffic, escape and rescue routes must be kept clear at all times for the intended purpose.

(9) For the safety of visitors, the area of validity and the surrounding area with a maximum radius of 300 metres is subject to audio and video surveillance.

(10) Children and young people under the age of 16 are only admitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian. Children under the age of 6 may only enter if accompanied by an adult. The Youth Protection Act applies.


§ 4

(1) Visitors are prohibited from carrying, keeping, handing over and wearing the following items:

(a) weapons of any kind

(b) other objects that are also capable of causing or provoking injuries or objects that are suitable and where it can be assumed that they could be used as throwing objects or used as weapons

(c) propaganda material that glorifies violence, is racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, right-wing or left-wing extremist, as well as flags, banners, written material, stickers, patches or items of clothing, etc., whose inscription/imprint is likely to discriminate against third parties or population groups on the basis of their skin colour, religion, origin or sexual orientation

(d) gas spray cans, corrosive, highly flammable, colouring or harmful solid, liquid or gaseous substances, with the exception of commercially available pocket lighters

(e) bulky objects, such as banners, flags, banners (larger than DIN A3), ladders, stools, chairs, boxes, suitcases, rucksacks, umbrellas, bags (larger than DIN A4), helmets

(f) Megaphones, laser pointers

(g) Fireworks, rockets, Bengal fires, smoke candles, smoke powder, smoke bombs, flares, flare ammunition and other pyrotechnic objects

(h) For safety reasons, medically necessary walking aids (rollators) may only be carried in designated areas. Escape and rescue routes must be kept clear. The security service is authorised to relocate visitors with physical disabilities for safety reasons.

(i) The carrying of food and drink is generally prohibited. Exceptions apply to visitors who must carry food and drink due to illness upon presentation of a medical certificate or appropriate identification. Catering for babies and small children is also excluded.

(2) Visitors are also prohibited from

(a) to utter or disseminate slogans glorifying violence, racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic and right-wing or left-wing extremist slogans and to discriminate against third parties or population groups on the basis of their skin colour, religion, origin or sexual orientation by means of statements, gestures or other behaviour;

(b) to carry animals, with the exception of guide or rescue dogs;

(c) to climb on or over structures and facilities not intended for general use (in particular facades, fences, walls, enclosures of the playing area, barriers, lighting systems, platforms, trees, masts of all kinds and roofs);

(d) enter areas that are not authorised for visitors (e.g. the playing field, the interior, stage facilities, function rooms);

(e) to contaminate the facilities/traffic areas;

(f) to light fires, fireworks, flares, flare ammunition or other pyrotechnic objects, magnesium flares, smoke candles, Bengal fires or similar within the arena grounds;

(g) to offer for sale or sell goods of any kind, to distribute printed matter or to organise collections;

(h) to use whistles that are likely to disrupt the event.

(i) carry out verbal or physical assaults against visitors or staff.

(j) smoke, heat or vape cannabis products, including the use of e-cigarettes, vaporisers or similar products used for this purpose.


§ 5
Exclusion from entry/arena ban/arena ban

Persons who violate the provisions of these house and usage regulations may be excluded from entering the arena grounds or expelled from the arena grounds and banned from the premises. In such cases, there is no entitlement to a refund of the entrance fee.


§ 6
Custody of object

(1) Prohibited items will be taken into custody by the security service and - insofar as they are not required for criminal or fine proceedings - will be returned to the owner or the person who took them into custody upon request once the conditions for taking them into custody no longer apply.

(2) The items taken into custody shall be kept ready for collection for a fortnight.


§ 7
Carrying cameras and video cameras to events

(1) The carrying of cameras and video cameras is prohibited due to the specifications of the respective event organiser or the management of the respective artist. These items will therefore be taken into safekeeping at the entrance to the event site and handed back after the event or when leaving the event site. The respective organiser may also prohibit photography with smartphones, digital cameras or iPods.

(2) In exceptional cases (sporting events, ATP tennis tournament), photography for private purposes may be permitted. No professional camera equipment may be used for this purpose.

(3) Film and photo shoots for commercial purposes are generally not permitted. Offences may be prosecuted.

(4) Please observe the notices and instructions on the respective event day before entering the event site.


§ 8
Right to one's own image

If employees of OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG, the tenant/organiser or companies commissioned by them to take photographs, film and/or video recordings on the enclosed arena grounds (in particular the OWL ARENA and OWL EVENT CENTER venues) for reporting or advertising purposes, the recording activity may not be obstructed or impaired in any other way. All persons entering or staying on the arena premises are informed by these house rules about the taking of photographs, film and video recordings. Recordings of participants and visitors to events may be published without the consent of the person concerned in accordance with the provisions of Section 23 of the German Copyright Act for Works of Fine Art and Photography (KunstUrhG).


§ 9

(1) Entering the arena grounds is at your own risk.

(2) The liability of OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG is limited to damages caused by grossly negligent or wilful breach of duty for which it is responsible.

(3) If OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG is responsible for personal injury and bodily harm, it shall also be liable, notwithstanding paragraph 2, in accordance with the statutory provisions in the event of a breach of duty due to simple negligence.

(4) The limitations of liability according to the above paragraphs 2 and 3 also apply in favour of the legal representatives and the vicarious agents of OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG or the respective organiser/tenant.

(5) Visitors shall be liable in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions.

(6) Accidents or damage must be reported to the organiser immediately.


§ 10
Volume at music events

OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG or the respective organiser/tenant is obliged to inform visitors if his event may cause sound levels in the audience area that could contribute to permanent hearing damage. To reduce the risk of damage, we particularly recommend the use of hearing protection. OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG or the respective organiser/tenant will draw attention to the corresponding risks at the entrance to the venue and the arena grounds at such events and will provide visitors with earplugs free of charge on request. The regulations according to TA Lärm (protection of the neighbourhood), DGUV V3 (protection of employees), DIN 15905 Part 5 (protection of the public) apply.


§ 11
Final provisions

(1) These House and User Regulations shall enter into force with immediate effect.

(2) These House and User Regulations may be amended by OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG at any time and without giving reasons. Each new edition of these house rules replaces any previous edition and thus supersedes it.

(3) These House and User Regulations are publicly displayed at the entrances to the arena grounds and the event venues


HalleWestphalia, 13 May 2024

Ralf Weber

(Managing Director of OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG)